Human-inspired, Dexterous
Robot Hands and Manipulators
Empowering interdisciplinary research in the areas of robotics, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, psychology, and cognitive science.
Designed with Dexterity and Reliability in mind
Multiple options to meet your Project and Research needs: RH8D, RH6D Dexterous Robot Hands, RH4D, RH2D Manipulators
Rich sensing: real-time, high-frequency data feedback: position, speed, current, etc.
FTS Tactile Pressure sensors optionally available for high resotution tactile sensing (1mN/0.1g resolution)
Durable: Specially designed fingers with magnetic detachment, Kevlar fibre tendons and reinforced shell attachments: ensure protection and durability in day-to-day use.
Left to right: The RH8D Adult size hand, the RH6D Child size hand and the RH4D and RH2D manipulators
“ Combining Dexterity, optimized Weight and Payload capability “
19 degrees of freedom, 8 smart actuators
All actuators contained inside the unit.
Advanced sensing and Data Acquisition on all actuated joints.
Palm TOF distance sensor
Optional Capacitive touch pads for richer H.R.I. experiences
PAYLOAD: 3D space 1kg; Vertical pull 2.50kg
Weight 620g
A miniaturized version of the RH8D Adult size Dexterous Robot hand.
Designed for medium sized robots and appplications where relation to the human scale is key.
Retains most dexterous features with
15 Degrees of Freedom, 6 smart actuators
PAYLOAD: 3D space 450g; Vertical pull 750g
Manipulator System
The advanced technology of the Human Robot hands, in a compact form factor.
RH4D | Best payload capability
11 Degrees of Freedom, 4 smart actuators
PAYLOAD: 3D Space 500g; Vertical pull 2.50kg
RH2D | Extremely light-weight
Small Robots and limited payload Co-bots
Weighting just 175g, can lift up to 2.5x its weight
10 Degrees of Freedom, 2 smart actuators
PAYLOAD 3D Space & Vertical pull 425g
FTS Tactile Pressure Sensors
An optional feature, available on select models, the FTS range provides high resolution tactile force sensing on the fingertips.
The sensors have a compact form factor and are highly integrated in our robot hands with no exposed cabling: all wires and electronics securely mounted inside the fingers and the palm.
Resolution: 1mN (0.1g), measurement range up to 30N (3kg)
Available in 3 axis (FTS-3, measuring shear forces and contcat force) and 1 axis (FTS-1, measuring contact force) variants